Il giorno dopo il violento attacco terroristico che ha colpito la città di Parigi e la Francia, numerosi artisti della scena reggae hanno voluto esprimere il proprio cordoglio per quanto accaduto con messaggi sui social network. Ne abbiamo raccolti alcuni e ve li mostriamo qui di seguito, nella lingua originale per dimostrare che, nonostante la diversità di religione, cultura, lingue possiamo tutti quanti remare verso la stessa direzione.
Alpha Blondy: “Alpha Blondy and the Solar system souhaitent ces sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes des attentats , et souhaitent un prompt rétablissement aux blessés. Que Dieu protège la France”
Rita Marley: “So don’t you forget (no way) your youth, who you are and where you stand in the struggle… #PrayersForParis”
Soja: “Sending much love and strength to all our friends in #Paris, especially the Le Bataclan family. Our hearts are with you… #PeaceForParis”
Maxi Priest: “Once again, we have to send out condolences and heartfelt prayers for the unnecessary killings of the innocent people in #Paris, #France. l feel so sad. It breaks my heart that as human beings we value life so little, and so heartless, to want to kill innocent people. Lord I pray that we can get through these difficult times, and come out triumphant, with love and peace.
#EasyToLove #MaxiPriest #PrayerForTheWorld”
Prezident Brown: “Chant up for the people of Paris!!! Tragic and sad moment…Prayer for the world I pray some more….”
Jah Cure: “Pray for Paris. Stay safe!”
Anthony B: “JAH love and blessings we need Luv to set us free strengthen us when R weak this world need Luv for us to come together today war bring distrution only Luv bring unity”
Da’Ville: “Say a prayer for the souls lost and people that are affected by the recent tragedy in #paris my heart hurts and my soul cries out in pain and sadness, only God understands why things like this happen, GOD over demon, LOVE over hate. I’m a Jamaican with a name that’s partly French “Da’Ville” and so it resonates with me even more, believe me when I say i know that JESUS love will always win, hate has no place in this world”
I-Shence: “Massima solidarietà ai fratelli parigini.. E a tutte le vittime innocenti che subiscono atti di violenza ogni giorno.Non lasciatevi trascinare dall’ odio e dal razzismo che questi eventi creano……è l’ignoranza che crea la violenza…”
Gentleman: “Sadness has taken over me…we are so far away from John Lennon’s vision! So sick n’ tired of brainwashed cowards! But as long as there is life, there is hope!! Love is the solution!”
Ska P: “Toda nuestra solidaridad al pueblo de París. Nuestra más enérgica repulsa al terrorismo, a todo tipo de terrorismo e indistintamente del lugar. Nos condoléances aux familles et amis des victimes”
Meta and The Cornerstones: “Stand together with our Brothers and Sisters in Paris. SendingPrayers”
General Levy: “Sending condolences to all the people affected by the tragedy recently in France and my heart goes out to all involved in such a devastating time peace & God bless you”
Espana Circo Este: “Odio chiama odio, morte chiama morte e a pagare sono sempre gli innocenti. vicini ai fratelli francesi”
Sly & Robbie: “Our prayers to France. We love Paris and France. Hang in there and don’t lose your frenchness. Bless”
Bass Odyssey: “Pray for Paris and so much more. All is not well in the world ”
Ulteriori messaggi di cordoglio sono arrivati da artisti come Stylo G, Mr. Vegas, Aidona, I-Octane, Cham, Third World e numerosi altri.